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16th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference

September 28 - October 2 2009

Red Lion
1021 Northeast Grand Ave
Portland, OR 97232
Phone: 503-235-2100
Fax: 503-238-0132

Important Information
Abstracts and proposals due July 15, 2009
Notification to authors July 31, 2009
Author materials due Sep 11, 2009
Tutorials start Sep 28, 2009
Conference starts Sep 30, 2009
Email Contact [email protected]

One of the best reasons to attend the Tcl conference is the tutorial track. These sessions are presented by Tcl experts - people who write the packages, write the books, and develop applications on a daily basis. They share their knowledge of Tcl/Tk and the practical experience in developing large, robust applications. Whether you're new to Tcl or experienced, these sessions will help you develop your projects more quickly.

Free Tutorials

This year we'll be offering FREE tutorials Monday and Tuesday evenings. These will be 1-2 hour lectures on special topics. Anyone is welcome to attend the evening lectures, whether they are a member of the conference or not.

Tutorial Schedule

Monday Morning Monday Afternoon Monday Evening
Developing Applications in Tcl
Advanced Tcl: Dicts, Packages, Namespaces, TclOO
Developing Applications in Tcl
Web Services with TclHttpd
Optimizing and Debugging Tcl/Tk
Tuesday Morning Tuesday Afternoon Tuesday Evening
Building User Interfaces with Tk I
Critcl: Embedding C in Tcl for Fun and Profit
Building User Interfaces with Tk II
Advanced Tk: GUI appearance
Debugging with TkCon

Tutorial Information

Optimizing and Debugging Tcl/Tk ( Clif Flynt )
Every application needs to run faster or have some little glitch fixed.

Tcl's strongly interactive nature and introscpection tools make it a very easy language to optimize and debug.

However, Tcl lends itself to some debugging techniques that are not direct analogues to those in other languages.

Clif will discuss simple tricks to optimize your applications and how to use trace, info and other introspection commands.

Debugging with TkCon ( Jeff Hobbs )
TkCon is one of the strongest tools for debugging your applications.

Jeff will show you how to use tkCon for more than just attaching an interactive session to running code.

Developing Applications in Tcl ( Ken Jones )
Ken will introduce the Tcl language. These two sessions will cover all the information you need to become a Tcl programmer.
Developing Applications in Tcl ( Ken Jones )
Ken will introduce the Tcl language. These two sessions will cover all the information you need to become a Tcl programmer.
Advanced Tcl: Dicts, Packages, Namespaces, TclOO ( Clif Flynt )
Clif will describe some of the newer Tcl features including the dict data structure and namespace ensembles as well as describing how to modularize your scripts with simple procedures and the source command to using namespaces and packages. The class will also cover techniques for separating GUI code from business-rule code including using the bind command and variable tracing, to bind actions to events. Examples include a Tower of Hanoi game and a Nuclear Reactor simulator.
Web Services with TclHttpd ( Gerald Lester )
The TclHttpd server is one of the big secrets in the HTTP world. It's stable, extensible, easily embedded in hardware or software, and includes a set of facilities other http servers don't have. Gerald Lester explains how to get the most out of a very versatile package.
Building User Interfaces with Tk I ( Ken Jones )
With remarkably little code, you can add a full-featured GUI to your application that will have a platform-native appearance on Windows, Unix, and Macintosh. In this course you'll explore all the Tk interface components, learn how to modify and extend their behaviors, and see how to put them together into complex multi-window applications.

The two sessions will complement each other, introducing basic techniques in the first session, and more advanced techniques in the second.

Critcl: Embedding C in Tcl for Fun and Profit ( Steve Landers )
One of Tcl's strong suits is the ability to merge C and Tcl code to make an application that's fast to develop and fast to run. The C Runtime in Tcl package (CriTcl) lets you embed without learning about the Tcl internals. Steve will explain how to get the most out of this tool.
Building User Interfaces with Tk II ( Ken Jones )
With remarkably little code, you can add a full-featured GUI to your application that will have a platform-native appearance on Windows, Unix, and Macintosh. In this course you'll explore all the Tk interface components, learn how to modify and extend their behaviors, and see how to put them together into complex multi-window applications.

The two sessions will complement each other, introducing basic techniques in the first session, and more advanced techniques in the second.

Advanced Tk: GUI appearance ( Jeff Hobbs )
There's a big difference between a quick and dirty GUI and a good looking professional GUI. Jeff will explain the newer features Tk has added to create a solid GUI you can be proud to send to a customer, including:
  • Controlling the toplevel
  • Themed widgets (tile/ttk)
  • 8.5 widget enhancements
  • Subtle platform differences

Contact Information

[email protected]