Bruce Johnson is the author of the Swank GUI toolkit and is the Founder and President of
One Moon Scientific, Inc. a company specializing in developing tools and applications
for scientific data analysis. Prior to One Moon Scientific, Inc., Bruce was a Senior
Research Fellow at Merck & Co., Inc. During his 15 year career at Merck he specialized
in applying the methods of structural biology, molecular modeling, and cheminformatics
to research in drug discovery.
At Merck, Dr. Johnson used Tcl/Tk and Jacl/Swank in a wide range of applications. These
included: scientific data analysis and visualization, laboratory robot control, Oracle
database access, and client-server applications in a high performance computing
environment. NMRViewJ, which is the flagship product of One Moon Scientific, Inc., uses
Java, Jacl and Swank to provide advanced visualization and analysis of of data from
scientific instruments.
Steve Landers is the Senior Consultant at Digital Smarties. He is
active within the Tcl/Tk community, where he regularly contributes both
software and expertise. He has a particular interest in the development
of cross-platform scripted applications, and is a leading proponent of
Tclkit, Starkit, Starpacks and Metakit for developing complex and robust
cross-platform applications.
Steve has over twenty years experience in the Open Software marketplace,
being a founding member of both AUUG (the Australian Open Systems User
Group) and SAGE-AU (the Systems Administrators Guild of Australia). He
was a pioneer of the commercial application of the UNIX operating system
and relational database technology in Australia during the early 1980's
implementing the first commercial Unix/Oracle installation in the
He was a founder and technical director of Functional Software - one
of Australia's most successful software development companies, whose
COSMOS products and technology are used worldwide in the management of
large IT installations.
Steve regularly speaks at conferences, both in Australia and
internationally. He has spoken at a number of SAGE-AU and AUUG annual
conferences, and was a speaker at the Tcl2001 And Tcl2002 conferences.