tdbc::sqlite3 — TDBC driver for the SQLite3 database manager
package require tdbc::sqlite3 1.0
tdbc::sqlite3::connection create db fileName ?-option value...?
The tdbc::sqlite3 driver provides a database interface that conforms
to Tcl DataBase Connectivity (TDBC) and allows a Tcl script to connect
to a SQLite3 database. It is also provided
as a worked example of how to write a database driver in Tcl, so that
driver authors have a starting point for further development.
Connection to a SQLite3 database is established by invoking
tdbc::sqlite3::connection create, passing it a string to be used
as the connection handle followed by the file name of
the database. The side effect of tdbc::sqlite3::connection
create is to create a new database connection..
As an alternative, tdbc::sqlite::connection new may be used to create
a database connection with an automatically assigned name. The return value
from tdbc::sqlite::connection new is the name that was chosen for the
connection handle. See
tdbc::connection(n) for the details of how to use the connection
to manipulate a database.
The standard configuration options -encoding, -isolation,
-readonly and -timeout are all recognized, both on
tdbc::sqlite3::connection create and on the configure
method of the resulting connection.
Since the encoding of a SQLite3 database is always well known, the
-encoding option accepts only utf-8 as an encoding and
always returns utf-8 for an encoding. The actual encoding may be
set using a SQLite3 PRAGMA statement when creating a new
Only the isolation levels readuncommitted and serializable
are implemented. Other isolation levels are promoted to
The -readonly flag is not implemented. -readonly 0 is
accepted silently, while -readonly 1 reports an error.
If any column name is not unique among the columns in a result set, the
results of -as dicts returns will be missing all but the rightmost
of the duplicated columns. This limitation can be worked around by adding
appropriate AS clauses to SELECT statements to ensure that
all returned column names are unique. Plans are to fix this bug by using
a C implementation of the driver, which will also improve performance
tdbc, tdbc::connection, tdbc::resultset, tdbc::statement
TDBC, SQL, SQLite3, database, connectivity, connection
Copyright (c) 2008 by Kevin B. Kenny.