# -*- tcl -*- #------------------------------------------------------------ # record.test -- # # test suite for struct::record module # # Tcl tests for testing the struct::record package, which # loosely immitates a 'C' structure. Invoke this test suite # by: tclsh record.test # #------------------------------------------------------------ # if {[lsearch [namespace children] ::tcltest] == -1} { package require tcltest namespace import -force ::tcltest::* } source [file join [file dirname [info script]] record.tcl] namespace import struct::record::* test record-0.1 {record define} { record define phones {home work cell} } ::phones test record-0.2 {record define - multi line} { record define contact { first middle last {record phones phlist} } } ::contact test record-0.3 {record define - multi line} { record define mycontact { age sex {record contact cont} } } ::mycontact test record-0.4 {definition with instantiation} { record define location { street city state {country USA} } loc(1) loc(5) } ::location test record-0.5 {test error with circular records} { catch { record define circular { one {record circular cir} } cir(1) } err set err } "Can not have circular records. Structure was not created." test record-0.6 {single instance} { contact cont(1) } ::cont(1) test record-0.7 {auto instance} { contact #auto } ::contact0 test record-0.8 {instance of double nested record} { mycontact #auto } ::mycontact0 test record-0.9 {setting a instance var via alias} { cont(1).first Brett } Brett test record-1.0 {setting a nested instance var via alias} { cont(1).phlist.cell 425-555-1212 } 425-555-1212 test record-1.1 {setting a double nested instance var via alias} { mycontact0.cont.phlist.cell 206-555-1212 } 206-555-1212 test record-1.2 {setting values via config} { cont(1) config -middle Allen -last Schwarz } "" test record-1.3 {setting a double nested instance via config} { mycontact0 config -cont.phlist.cell 206-555-1212 } "" test record-1.4 {get a value via cget} { cont(1) cget -first -middle -last } [list Brett Allen Schwarz] test record-1.5 {get a double nested value via cget} { mycontact0 cget -cont.phlist.cell } 206-555-1212 test record-1.6 {get a value via alias} { cont(1).first } Brett test record-1.7 {record default value} { loc(1) cget -country } USA test record-1.8 {setting values via config} { loc(1) config -street somestreet -city somecity -state somestate -country somecountry } "" test record-1.9 {setting nested vars via config} { cont(1) config -phlist.home 425-555-1212 } "" test record-2.0 {test value of nested member} { cont(1) cget -phlist.home } 425-555-1212 test record-2.1 {config with no values} { loc(1) config } [list -street somestreet -city somecity -state somestate -country somecountry] test record-2.2 {get with no values} { loc(1) cget } [list -street somestreet -city somecity -state somestate -country somecountry] test record-2.3 {get with just instance command} { loc(1) } [list -street somestreet -city somecity -state somestate -country somecountry] test record-2.4 {get a nest value via alias} { cont(1).phlist.cell } 425-555-1212 test record-2.5 {set values during instantiation} { location loc(2) -street street2 -city city2 -state state2 -country country2 } ::loc(2) test record-2.6 {get the above value via alias} { loc(2).street } street2 test record-2.7 {set values during instantiation - nested record} { contact cont(2) -first John -middle Q -last Doe -phlist [list home 425-555-1212 work 425-555-1222 cell 425-555-1111] } ::cont(2) test record-2.8 {copy one instance to another during creation} { eval contact cont(3) [cont(1)] } ::cont(3) test record-2.9 {get the above values via alias} { cont(2).phlist.home } 425-555-1212 test record-3.0 {copy one definition to another definition} { record define new_contact [record show members contact] } ::new_contact test record-3.1 {show defined records} { record show records } [lsort [list ::phones ::contact ::location ::new_contact ::mycontact]] test record-3.2 {show members} { record show members phones } [list home work cell] test record-3.3 {show members - with default value} { record show members location } [list street city state [list country USA]] test record-3.4 {show members - nested record} { record show members contact } [list first middle last [list record phones phlist]] test record-3.5 {show values} { record show values loc(1) } [list -street somestreet -city somecity -state somestate -country somecountry] test record-3.6 {show values - nested} { record show values cont(1) } [list -first Brett -middle Allen -last Schwarz -phlist [list -home 425-555-1212 -work {} -cell 425-555-1212]] test record-3.7 {show instances} { record show instance location } [list ::loc(1) ::loc(2) ::loc(5)] test record-3.8 {delete an instance} { record delete instance loc(2) } "" test record-3.9 {delete a nested instance} { record delete instance cont(2) } "" test record-4.0 {delete a record} { record delete record location } "" test record-4.1 {test existence of an instance that was deleted} { record exists instance loc(1) } 0 test record-4.2 {show existence of an instance} { record exists instance cont(1) } 1 test record-4.3 {show non-existent instance} { record exists instance junk } 0 test record-4.4 {show existence of record} { record exists record contact } 1 ## ## NAMESPACE TESTS ## test record-5.0 {record define} { namespace eval myns { record define phones {home work cell} } } ::myns::phones test record-5.1 {record define - multi line} { record define ::myns::contact { first middle last {record phones phlist} } } ::myns::contact test record-5.2 {definition with instantiation} { namespace eval myns { record define location { street city state {country USA} } loc(1) loc(5) } } ::myns::location test record-5.3 {test error with circular records} { catch { namespace eval myns { record define circular { one {record ::myns::circular cir} } cir(1) } } err set err } "Can not have circular records. Structure was not created." test record-5.4 {single instance} { namespace eval myns { contact cont(1) } } ::myns::cont(1) test record-5.5 {auto instance} { namespace eval myns { contact #auto } } ::myns::contact0 test record-5.6 {setting a instance var via alias} { myns::cont(1).first Brett } Brett test record-5.7 {setting a nested instance var via alias} { myns::cont(1).phlist.cell 425-555-1212 } 425-555-1212 test record-5.8 {setting values via config} { myns::cont(1) config -middle Allen -last Schwarz } "" test record-5.9 {get a value via cget} { myns::cont(1) cget -first -middle -last } [list Brett Allen Schwarz] test record-6.0 {record default value} { myns::loc(1) cget -country } USA test record-6.1 {setting values via config} { myns::loc(1) config -street somestreet -city somecity -state somestate -country somecountry } "" test record-6.2 {setting nested vars via config} { myns::cont(1) config -phlist.home 425-555-1212 } "" test record-6.3 {test value of nested member} { myns::cont(1) cget -phlist.home } 425-555-1212 test record-6.4 {config with no values} { myns::loc(1) config } [list -street somestreet -city somecity -state somestate -country somecountry] test record-6.5 {get with no values} { myns::loc(1) cget } [list -street somestreet -city somecity -state somestate -country somecountry] test record-6.6 {get with just instance command} { myns::loc(1) } [list -street somestreet -city somecity -state somestate -country somecountry] test record-6.7 {get a nest value via alias} { myns::cont(1).phlist.cell } 425-555-1212 test record-6.8 {set values during instantiation} { namespace eval myns { location loc(2) -street street2 -city city2 -state state2 -country country2 } } ::myns::loc(2) test record-6.9 {get the above value via alias} { myns::loc(2).street } street2 test record-7.0 {set values during instantiation - nested record} { namespace eval myns { contact cont(2) -first John -middle Q -last Doe -phlist [list home 425-555-1212 work 425-555-1222 cell 425-555-1111] } } ::myns::cont(2) test record-7.1 {get the above values via alias} { myns::cont(2).phlist.home } 425-555-1212 test record-7.2 {show defined records} { record show records } [lsort [list ::contact ::myns::phones ::myns::contact ::myns::location ::new_contact ::phones ::mycontact]] test record-7.3 {show members} { record show members myns::phones } [list home work cell] test record-7.4 {show members - with default value} { record show members myns::location } [list street city state [list country USA]] test record-7.5 {show members - nested record} { record show members myns::contact } [list first middle last [list record phones phlist]] test record-7.6 {show values} { record show values myns::loc(1) } [list -street somestreet -city somecity -state somestate -country somecountry] test record-7.7 {show values - nested} { record show values myns::cont(1) } [list -first Brett -middle Allen -last Schwarz -phlist [list -home 425-555-1212 -work {} -cell 425-555-1212]] test record-7.8 {show instances} { record show instance myns::location } [list ::myns::loc(1) ::myns::loc(2) ::myns::loc(5)] test record-7.9 {delete an instance} { record delete instance myns::loc(2) } "" test record-8.0 {delete a nested instance} { record delete instance myns::cont(2) } "" test record-8.1 {delete a record} { record delete record myns::location } "" test record-8.2 {test existence of an instance that was deleted} { record exists instance myns::loc(1) } 0 test record-8.3 {show existence of an instance} { record exists instance myns::cont(1) } 1 test record-8.4 {show non-existent instance} { record exists instance myns::junk } 0 test record-8.5 {show existence of record} { record exists record myns::contact } 1