# -*- tcl -*- # # $Id: toc.text,v 1.2 2003/04/01 23:38:19 andreas_kupries Exp $ # # Engine to convert a doctoc document into plain text. # # Copyright (c) 2003 Andreas Kupries # Freely redistributable. # ###################################################################### dt_source _toc_common.tcl dt_source _text.tcl ###################################################################### # Conversion specification. # One-pass processing. rename toc_postprocess {} rename text_postprocess toc_postprocess proc fmt_plain_text {text} {return {}} ################################################################ ## Backend for TMML markup global seclist ; set seclist {} global max ; set max 0 proc fmt_comment {text} {return} proc fmt_toc_end {} {return} proc fmt_toc_begin {label title} { TextInitialize set title "$label -- $title" set hdr "" append hdr "Table of contents [textutil::uncap [c_provenance]]\n" append hdr \n append hdr $title \n append hdr [textutil::strRepeat = [string length $title]] Text $hdr CloseParagraph [Verbatim] } proc fmt_division_start {title} { global lmarginIncrement currentEnv global seclist ; set seclist {} global max ; set max 0 Text $title\n Text [textutil::strRepeat - [string length $title]] CloseParagraph [Verbatim] SaveContext NewEnv Division { incr currentEnv(lmargin) $lmarginIncrement } return } proc fmt_division_end {} { global seclist max if {[llength $seclist] > 0} { set break 0 incr max 2 set rmargin [expr {80 - $max}] if {$rmargin < 20} {set rmargin 20} set pfx [textutil::blank $max] incr max -1 set fpfx "[textutil::strRepeat . $max] " foreach {file desc} $seclist { set opfx "$file [string range $fpfx [string length $file] end]" Text $opfx[textutil::indent [textutil::adjust $desc -length $rmargin] $pfx 1] CloseParagraph [Verbatim] } set seclist {} } RestoreContext return } proc fmt_item {file label desc} { global seclist max lappend seclist $file $desc if {[string length $file] > $max} {set max [string length $file]} return } ################################################################