#!/bin/sh # -*- tcl -*- \ exec tclsh "$0" ${1+"$@"} lappend auto_path [file dirname [file dirname [info script]]] package require doctools # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # 1. Handle command line options, input and output # 2. Initialize a doctools object. # 3. Run the input through the object. # 4. Write output. # --------------------------------------------------------------------- proc usage {{exitstate 1}} { global argv0 puts "Usage: $argv0\ ?-h|--help|-help|-??\ ?-help-fmt|--help-fmt?\ ?-module module?\ ?-deprecated?\ ?-copyright text?\ format in|- ?out|-?" exit $exitstate } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- proc fmthelp {} { # Tcllib FR #527029: short reference of formatting commands. global argv0 puts "$argv0 [doctools::help]" exit 0 } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # 1. Handle command line options, input and output proc cmdline {} { global argv0 argv format in out extmodule deprecated copyright set copyright "" set extmodule "" set deprecated 0 while {[string match -* [set opt [lindex $argv 0]]]} { switch -exact -- $opt { -module { set extmodule [lindex $argv 1] set argv [lrange $argv 2 end] continue } -copyright { set copyright [lindex $argv 1] set argv [lrange $argv 2 end] continue } -deprecated { set deprecated 1 set argv [lrange $argv 1 end] } -help - -h - --help - -? { # Tcllib FR #527029 usage 0 } -help-fmt - --help-fmt { # Tcllib FR #527029 fmthelp } default { # Unknown option usage } } } if {[llength $argv] < 3} { usage } foreach {format in out} $argv break if {$format == {} || $in == {}} { usage } if {$out == {}} {set out -} return $format } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # 3. Read input. Also providing the namespace with file information. proc get_input {} { global in if {[string equal $in -]} { return [read stdin] } else { set if [open $in r] set text [read $if] close $if return $text } } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # 4. Write output. proc write_out {text} { global out if {[string equal $out -]} { puts -nonewline stdout $text } else { set of [open $out w] puts -nonewline $of $text close $of } } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get it all together proc main {} { global format deprecated extmodule in copyright #if {[catch {} cmdline ::doctools::new dt -format $format -deprecated $deprecated -file $in if {$extmodule != {}} { dt configure -module $extmodule } if {$copyright != {}} { dt configure -copyright $copyright } write_out [dt format [get_input]] set warnings [dt warnings] if {[llength $warnings] > 0} { puts stderr [join $warnings \n] } #{} msg]} {} #puts stderr "Execution error: $msg" #{} return } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- main exit