Step-By-Step TOBE Fortran 0) Get the files you need. TOBE: Tcl/Tk: FORTRAN: 1) Create this hierarchy: | - Application - Contains application specific files | - Your application Tcl Files | - Your application FORTRAN Files | - ftcl - Contains Fortran->Tcl sources, | - Makefile - Makefile to build ftclz.a | - APP-Makefile - A sample Makefile for your application | - ftclz.a - Sources for ftclz.a | - tobe - Contains TOBE specific files | - src/main.tcl - A default main.tcl file | - src/zvfs.c - The zipfile virtual file system | - src/ - Zip file header 2) Develop your application 3) cd ftcl make This will create ftclz.a 4) cd Application cp ../ftclz.a/APP-Makefile Makefile edit Makefile - Insert your application specific Fortran and Tcl files make