# Define the Tcl script files TCLFILES=config.tcl GUI7.tcl options.tcl setConditions.tcl # Set the application name APPNAME=lander # Where to find the tobe files TOBE=../tobe # What C compiler to use # CC=gcc CC=cc # Uncomment the compiler you are using, comment out the other(s) FC=g95 # FC=lf95 # Set flags for FORTRAN FFLAGS=-DG95=1 -g #FFLAGS=-DLF62=1 -g # Where are the Tcl libs TCLLIBS=-L/usr/local/lib -ltcl8.4 -ltk8.4 # Other required libraries LIBS=-L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -lieee -lm -ldl -lz lander: lander.f90 ftclz.a f2kcli.mod ftcl.mod $(FC) -o temp $(FFLAGS) lander.f90 ftclz.a $(TCLLIBS) $(LIBS) rm -rf zipdir mkdir zipdir ln -s /usr/local/lib/tcl8.4 zipdir/tcl ln -s /usr/local/lib/tk8.4 zipdir/tk cp temp tobe.zip cp ${TCLFILES} zipdir cp ${TOBE}/src/main.tcl zipdir cat ${TOBE}/src/null.zip >>tobe.zip cd zipdir; /usr/bin/zip -qr ../tobe.zip * cd .. mv tobe.zip ${APPNAME} rm temp calc: calc.f90 ftcl.a $(FC) -o calc $(FFLAGS) calc.f90 ftcl.a $(LIBS) ftcl_mod.o: ftcl_mod.f90 $(FC) -c $(FLAGS) ftcl_mod.f90 f2kcli.mod: cp ../ftcl/f2kcli.mod . ftcl.mod: cp ../ftcl/ftcl.mod . ftclz.a: cp ../ftcl/ftclz.a . clean: rm -rf *.o ${APPNAME} *.tgz *.dll sysprs7 lsprst7 *.a zipdir