#!/bin/sh # -*- tcl -*- \ exec tclsh "$0" ${1+"$@"} # Functions to ignore in the stack testing cause they are not relevant to cisco # ============================================================================= package require struct package require report set in [lindex $argv 0] set if [open $in r] set cut [lindex $argv 1] array set sz {} array set fn {} array set fi {} array set cc {} if {1} { set ign { dissect exec condissect lacon miss freenfa DoRenameFile CopyFile CopyFileAtts DoCopyFile TestfilehandlerCmd TclpGetCwd TclpMatchFilesTypes TclFileAttrsCmd CheckAccess TclDoGlob Tcl_GetChannelNamesEx StoreStatData TclpListVolumes Tcl_FileObjCmd compile TestparsevarnameObjCmd TestsaveresultCmd TestexprparserObjCmd CopyRenameOneFile TestparserObjCmd Tcl_GetHostName Tcl_EvalFile TclpCreateProcess TcpGetOptionProc TclpCreatePipe cleanst rfree freev AliasCreate FileCopyRename TraverseUnixTree SlaveHidden SlaveInvokeHidden TraversalCopy TraversalDelete AliasDelete AliasList SlaveExpose SlaveHide SlaveEval TclFileMakeDirs } } else { set ign {} } foreach i $ign {set ig($i) .} while {![eof $if]} { gets $if line if {[eof $if]} {break} foreach {dummy fun file line dummy usage dummy caller} [split $line] break set fi($fun) [file tail $file] if {[info exists ig($fun)]} {continue} if {$cut != {}} { if {$usage < $cut} { continue } } set kf $fun set ks $usage set kcc $fun,$usage set df $usage set ds [list $fun $caller] set dcc $caller if {![info exists fn($kf)]} { set fn($kf) [list $df] } elseif {[lsearch -exact $fn($kf) $df] < 0} { lappend fn($kf) $df } if {![info exists sz($ks)]} { set sz($ks) [list $ds] } elseif {[lsearch -exact $sz($ks) $ds] < 0} { lappend sz($ks) $ds } if {![info exists cc($kcc)]} { set cc($kcc) [list $dcc] } elseif {[lsearch -exact $cc($kcc) $dcc] < 0} { lappend cc($kcc) $dcc } } ::report::defstyle html {} { set c [columns] set cl $c ; incr cl -1 data set " [split [string repeat " " $cl] ""] " for {set col 0} {$col < $c} {incr col} { pad $col left "" pad $col right "" } return } puts stdout "Stack report" ##################################### if {0} { struct::matrix m m add columns 2 foreach s [lsort -integer -decr [array names sz]] { set funs [list] foreach f [lsort $sz($s)] { foreach {f c} $f break if {![info exists fi($c)]} { lappend funs "$f ($fi($f)) -- $c" } else { lappend funs "$f ($fi($f)) -- $c ($fi($c))" } } m add row [list $s [join $funs ",
"]] } report::report r [m columns] style html puts stdout "

Stack usage of functions I

" puts stdout "

" r printmatrix2channel m stdout puts stdout "

" r destroy m destroy ##################################### #puts stdout "" #exit } if {$ign != {}} { puts stdout "

Functions excluded from the report

" puts stdout "

" set n 0 foreach f [lsort $ign] { if {[info exists fi($f)]} { set f "$f ($fi($f))" } if {$n == 0} { puts -nonewline stdout "" } puts -nonewline "" incr n if {$n == 5} { puts stdout "" set n 0 } } if {$n != 0} { puts stdout "" } puts stdout "

" } struct::matrix m m add columns 5 foreach fun [array names fn] { set ssz [lsort -integer -decr $fn($fun)] set min [lindex $ssz end] set max [lindex $ssz 0] set avg [format %.2f [expr ([join $ssz +])/double([llength $ssz])]] set sszl [list] foreach z $ssz { lappend sszl "$z -- $cc($fun,$z)" } if {[info exists fi($fun)]} { set fun "$fun ($fi($fun))" } m add row [list $fun $min $max $avg [join $sszl ",
"]] } m set rect 0 0 [lsort -integer -decr -index 2 [m get rect 0 0 end end]] report::report r [m columns] style html puts stdout "

Stack usage of functions II

" puts stdout "

" r printmatrix2channel m stdout puts stdout "

" r destroy m destroy puts stdout "" exit ##################################### struct::matrix m m add columns 2 foreach f [lsort [array names fi]] { m add row [list $f $fi($f)] } report::report r [m columns] style html puts stdout "

Functions to files

" puts stdout "

" r printmatrix2channel m stdout puts stdout "

" r destroy m destroy puts stdout "" exit