Thanks for joining us at Tcl/Tk 2009!
Please fill in the data.
Print the form and fax it to 734-449-8467, or mail it (if you wish to
pay via check) to
Tcl 2009
8888 Black Pine Ln
Whitmore Lake, MI 48189
Honorific (Mr. etc): ________________________________________
First Name: ________________________________________
Last Name: ________________________________________
Company/Affiliation: ________________________________________
Street Address 1: ________________________________________
Street Address 2: ________________________________________
City: ________________________________________
State/Province: ________________________________________
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Country: ________________________________________
Phone (optional): ________________________________________
e-mail: ________________________________________
Card Type: ________________________________________
Credit card number: ________________________________________
Exp date (as MMYY): ________________________________________
If the name on the credit card is not the attendee:
Name on card: ________________________________________
Technical Sessions: ______ (Y/N)
Monday AM
Intro To Tcl/Tk I (Jones) [ ] Y/N
Starkit (Landers) [ ] Y/N
Monday PM
Intro To Tcl/Tk II (Jones) [ ] Y/N
Optimizing/Debugging (Flynt)[ ] Y/N
Tuesday AM
Metakit (Landers) [ ] Y/N
Tcl/Tk for Games (Flynt) [ ] Y/N
SQLlite Tcl API (Hipps) [ ] Y/N
Secrets of TclHttpd (Lester)[ ] Y/N
Tuesday PM
Advanced Tcl (Flynt) [ ] Y/N
Using TclLib (Lester) [ ] Y/N
Advanced Tk (Hobbs) [ ] Y/N
SQLlite C API (Hipps) [ ] Y/N
Expect (Richert) [ ] Y/N
Extra CD: ___________________
Printed Proceedings: ___________________
Discounts: ________________________________________
Total amount: ________________________________________