In this paper we have shown (yet another) language for writing documentation in, designed to fit into the Tcl world, with a tclish visual appearance, easy to write manually, also easy to process in pure Tcl, yet powerful and flexible enough to cover not only the most basics of needs of a documentation writer, but most of them.
We have shown the current implementation of the language, its internal organization, and especially its plugin mechanism which allows for a multitude of output formats and thus allows us to keep the system current with any changes in the environment which may and will come in the future. In line with the paradigm of Tcl as glue to anything else.
At last we have shown and discussed a tool based upon the doctools system and its actual use in a production environment, the build system for ActiveState's ActiveTcl and Tcl Dev Kit distributions [23].
With that we can now go on and try to take a look into the future and what we can and may do to enhance and extend the system even further.