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Overview Of SQLite |
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Overview Of SQLite |
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Overview Of SQLite |
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Users Of SQLite |
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History Of SQLite |
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Why Tcl And SQLite Make A Good Team |
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Using SQLite With Tcl - Getting Started |
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load ./ Sqlite3 sqlite3 db test.db db eval {CREATE TABLE t1(a,b,c)} db eval {INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1,2,3)} db eval {INSERT INTO t1 VALUES('hello',NULL,'world')} db close
Using SQLite with Tcl - Querying |
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sqlite3 db test.db puts [db eval {SELECT * FROM t1}]1 2 3 hello {} world
Using SQLite with Tcl - Querying |
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db eval {SELECT * FROM t1} { puts a=$a puts b=$b puts c=$c }a=1 b=2 c=3 a=hello b= c=world
Using SQLite with Tcl - Querying |
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db eval {SELECT a AS x, b AS y, c AS z FROM t1} { puts x=$x puts y=$y puts z=$z }x=1 y=2 z=3 x=hello y= z=world
Using SQLite with Tcl - Querying |
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db eval {SELECT a AS x, b AS y, c AS z FROM t1} abc { parray abc }abc(*) = x y z abc(x) = 1 abc(y) = 2 abc(z) = 3 abc(*) = x y z abc(x) = hello abc(y) = abc(z) = world
Using SQLite with Tcl - Querying |
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db eval {SELECT * FROM t1} { if {$a==1} break } puts a=$a puts b=$b puts c=$ca=1 b=2 c=3
Using SQLite with Tcl - Querying |
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set a [db onecolumn {SELECT * FROM t1}] puts a=$aa=1
set a [db onecolumn {SELECT a FROM t1}] set a [lindex [db eval {SELECT a FROM t1 LIMIT 1}] 0] db eval {SELECT a FROM t1} break
Using SQLite with Tcl - Updates |
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set fd [open bigfile.txt] set content [read $fd] close $fd set qcontent [string map {' ''} $content] db eval "INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1,2,'$qcontent')"
Using SQLite with Tcl - Updates |
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set fd [open bigfile.txt] set content [read $fd] close $fd db eval {INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1,2,$content)}
Using SQLite with Tcl - User Defined Functions |
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proc sql_sqrt {x} {return [expr {sqrt($x)}]} db function sqrt sql_sqrt
proc sql_eval {script} {return [uplevel #0 $script]} db function eval sql_eval db eval {SELECT eval(cmd) FROM cmdset}
Using SQLite with Tcl - Other Interface Features |
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SQL Language Understood By SQLite |
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Supported Features
Features Not Supported
SQLite Datatypes |
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SQL Type Equivalent Tcl Type NULL Empty String 64-bit Signed Integer WideInt 64-bit IEEE Float Double Text String BLOB ByteArray
Datatypes (continued) |
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If type declaration contains... Then the affinity is... "INT" Integer "CHAR" or "CLOB" or "TEXT" Text "BLOB" or there is no type declaration None Otherwise Numeric
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SELECT rowid, * FROM table1;
CREATE TABLE table2(x); INSERT INTO table2(rowid, x) VALUES(123,'hi');
UPDATE table2 SET rowid=rowid-1 WHERE rowid=123;
Database Schema Information |
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CREATE TABLE sqlite_master ( type text, name text, tbl_name text, rootpage integer, sql text );
Querying The Database Schema |
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puts [db eval {SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'}]t1
puts [db onecolumn {SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE name='t1'}]CREATE TABLE t1(a,b,c)
Working With Multiple Databases |
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SELECT * FROM main.t1, ex1.t1
ATTACH DATABASE 'backup.db' AS backup; CREATE TABLE backup.table1 AS SELECT * FROM table1; DETACH DATABASE backup;
Conflict Resolution Algorithms |
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SQLite In Traditional SQL Roles |
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SQLite As Replacement For Ad Hoc Data Files |
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SQLite As Internal Structured Data Format |
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SQLite As Application File Format |
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SQLite As Application File Format - First Approach |
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SQLite As Application File Format - Second Approach |
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SQLite As Application File Format - Third Approach |
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SQLite As Application File Format - Undo/Redo |
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SQLite Database As Program |
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Summary And Conclusions |
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